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  • Writer's picturejoshleviton

More Frequently asked questions

How much does an inspection cost?

The cost of testing ultimately depends on how many samples we are collecting. The inspection is $375 and includes 2 indoor air samples and 1 outdoor control sample. Any addition samples would be $75 per sample.

What is the process involved in performing an inspection?

An inspection is comprised of a visual evaluation of a residence as well as testing the air quality to identify if there is an indication that mold exists in the area tested. By analyzing the air and/or physical samples, we can identify if mold remediation is necessary or not and provide recommendations how to remove mold and how to prevent future mold growth from occurring. We provide a full report which includes a lab report and an interpretation of the results with conclusions and recommendations. We are also able to review the report individually with each client to ensure they understand the report in its entirety.

How fast can I get results back?

Results will generally be ready 2 business days after samples are collected. Rush analysis is available as well for an additional cost. For an additional cost of $25/sample result can be made available the day after collecting samples. For an additional cost of $50/sample, results can be available the same day as long as samples are collected by 1pm at the latest.

Can I get a physical sample (Swab or Tape lift) instead of an air sample?

Yes, the cost is the same whether they are air samples or physical samples.

What is the difference between an air sample and a physical sample?

Air samples are analyzed quantitatively and will tell you the total number of spores/meter3 that are present as well as what types of mold these spores belong to. This can be compared to the outdoor control sample to identify if there is an indication that mold growth exists in the area tested.

A physical sample is only warranted when visible mold or what appears to be visible mold is present. A physical sample is analyzed qualitatively and will tell you what types of mold species are present as well as how far along in the growth cycle they are. This sampling type is used more often to identify if the mold type present is one that requires professional mold remediation or one that can simply be cleaned with an antimicrobial spray.

Is there a difference between a swab sample and a tape lift sample?

Yes, which type of sampling method is chosen is dependent on how accessible the area being sampled is as well as if the area is wet or dry. However, both sampling methods will provide the same information.

Does mold die when it drys out?

Mold does not die when it has no moisture source, however, it does stop growing. Mold needs moisture in order to continue growing and spreading. The problem with this is that when mold exists in an area it needs to be removed because it might not grow when it is dry but that is also when the mold spores begin to enter the air most. When mold is wet, the mold spores might stick to the moisture and not yet aerosolize. This is why when there are building materials that have gotten wet and remained wet for at least 24-48 hours, they should be removed and replaced to eliminate any possible mold growth that may have occurred.

Is all black mold dangerous?

No, not all black mold is dangerous. For example, the black mold you might find in your shower is most likely a plant mold called Cladosporium that can be cleaned off with an antimicrobial spray.

Does there need to be a leak or flooding for mold to grow?

No, mold growth can also occur when humidity levels are high. When relative humidity levels get above 70%, mold growth can occur on walls, window frames, furniture and even clothing.

Do I need to keep my house/apartment closed for any period of time before testing?

Yes, it is recommended that you try to keep windows and doors closed as much as possible starting 24 hours before the air samples are collected. This will separate the outdoor air from the indoor air and enable us to collect the best air samples possible.

Can I run the air condition or air filters during or before the inspection?

It is best to keep the HVAC system (Air conditioning or heater) and HEPA air filters off starting 24 hours before collecting samples.

What are the symptoms associate with mold exposure?

Symptoms seem to show up in many forms depending on the individual persona and the mold type. Some mold types can cause respiratory issues or brain fog, while some mold types have been known to joint-pain or even cause cancer. If you are experiencing symptoms which you believe to be mold related I recommend consulting a doctor and/or consulting an allergist or naturopathic doctor for mycotoxin testing.

If I am sick and my partner is not, does that rule out the possibility that mold growth exists in our home?

No, whether or not you experience symptoms from mold exposure depends on each individual person. Some people have genetic mutations which make it more difficult for your body to rid itself of mycotoxins or mold spores. For this reason it is not uncommon for 1 person in a household to experience symptoms from mold exposure while others in the household feel fine.



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